Christ Covenant School is a ministry of Christ Covenant Church, and we believe that children are a gift from the Lord. We seek to encourage them in His ways, so we recite Scripture, a shorter kid’s catechism, and regularly sing Bible verses on the playground, in the chapel, and in our classrooms.
CCS is a Christian program, for children ages 2-8, run by a loving, nurturing, and professional staff. Our goal is to be an extension of the family where children can develop socially, emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually in a loving and secure environment, and we provide rich learning experiences in order to foster an enthusiasm for learning. Children are encouraged to be creative and imaginative in their learning experiences, but most importantly to experience God’s love in Jesus Christ.
Carpool drop-off begins at 9 am (8 AM for 1st-3rd grade). Students in the core program are picked up starting at 11:50 am, and students in the encore program are picked up starting at 1:50 pm. Download our 2021-2022 calendar.
ABOUT CCS (Elem. info):
Because we believe it takes a church to raise a Christian, we want to come alongside our CCC parents and other families as they seek to raise their children learn to love God, others, and learning. Therefore, CCS exists to provide a classical Christian education for the purpose of teaching children to affirm the true, pursue
the good, and enjoy the beautiful to the glory of Jesus Christ, by whom and for whom all things were created.
A Christ-centered, Church-aligned, Gently Classical, Play-based Elementary School from K-5th grade (building out, a grade per year—perhaps through 8th).
Christ-Centered: Christ-centered education does not imply or ensure that every student will be or become a Christian, but that deliberate effort is made to keep Christ at the functional center of every educational aspect of our school. He’s the beginning, middle and end of all that we do; not just in “Bible Class” or “Chapel” but in all subjects taught. All that is good, true and beautiful is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ as taught in the Scriptures and revealed in nature (Psalm 19; Col. 1:15-23).
Church-Aligned: While a Christ-centered education does not require a local church context, we think this is an added plus to the education our children will receive. If you value the things CCC is attempting to do in its corporate life together, you should expect to see overlap, confirmation and deepening when it comes to the
teaching going on at CCE.
Play-Based: At CCS, wonder and delight, asking questions and exploring, singing and creating will be part of every day. We want children to learn to love God with ALL their heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love their neighbors as themselves. We want to make disciples of whole humans who reflect God’s image as they
learn to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.
Gently Classical: A classical education is an effort to pass on the great ideas, great books, foundational truths, and skills of Western Civilization through time-tested structures (e.g. Trivium).
Non-Refundable Registration Fee: $200. Due Upon Registration.
Tuition: $4,725.
Supply Fee: $150.
These costs are “all-in,” and there will be no additional fundraising throughout the school year (other than capital campaign improvements to the playground—which are ongoing and optional).
Questions? Contact Pastor Bradley or Chris Shipley (CCS Director) at 225-924-2269 and 318-416-3768, respectively.