Final Thoughts from CCP for 2020-21 Families

Hi, All.  I’m sincerely sorry our school year got truncated yet AGAIN!  Arkel is doing an amazing job with the rebuild, and we’re getting all new floors as well (so 2s, fellowship hall, offices, etc.).  Which is good, because our 2s area needed some TLC paint-wise and flooring-wise.  So Praise the Lord!!  Lots of good has come from the flood!
If you are cleaning out this summer, we are looking for the following items (to replace what we lost):

  • Rugs (small and large:  some were 8’x10’ others were smaller 2’x3’ in our home living areas, etc.)
  • Bookshelves
  • Baby dolls, clothes, cradles
  • Books
  • Musical instruments, parachutes
  • Baskets
  • Play kitchens, train tables, etc. Wooden blocks

And if it’s possible for you to hold off on bringing them here until the classrooms are ready, that would be great!  If not, items can be deposited in the gym!  (I know when I clean out stuff I want it gone on the same day!)

I’m attaching an article that is worth a read.  (click HERE) This year I’m going to try to be more intentional in talking about CCP as a Christ-exalting, play-based, developmentally appropriate school because I want everyone to know what they’re signing up for!  Here’s an excerpt, but it’s totally worth clicking on and reading:

Pretend play is one of the crucial types of play in early childhood and a pretend store also encourages dress-up play and symbolic play (using items to represent other things).

Kids learn so many things when playing shop at home or school:

Again, click on the article and read!!

Finally, I hope you’re enjoying the lazy, hazy days of summer, reading good books, eating and drinking good stuff, spending time with family and friends…in short, getting recharged!  We never see Jesus hurrying in the New Testament.  Never.  That has stuck with me ever since I read The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.  His pace of life was slow:  he walked everywhere, took notice of people, was present in the moment with whomever he was speaking with, and got alone with His Father regularly.  If Jesus needed alone time, how much more do we???  Self-care has not been high on my list of priorities…but it’s gaining ground.  It’s one of the reasons we’re not doing 8 weeks of summer school (4 in June/4 in July).  We all need time to breathe…decompress…figure out what really matters, and have the energy to pursue those things.

Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us this school year.  We are sending him/her home with lots of songs, Scripture, artwork, memories…and hopefully the deep-seated knowledge that Jesus loves them.  Forever.

Peace on your Tuesday,